Benelux Climate Tech100 - Terms and Conditions


The Benelux Climate Tech100 organized by Change.Inc and the Climate Tech Summit Benelux aim to recognize the top 100 most impactful climate tech businesses. By participating in the Benelux Climate Tech100, all participants agree to the following terms and conditions.

1. Eligibility Criteria

1.1. Definition of Climate Tech Business

We define climate tech as a broad range of innovative technologies and solutions designed to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, enhance energy efficiency, and adapt to or mitigate the impacts of climate change, playing a critical role in the transition to a sustainable low-carbon economy.

Within Climate Tech, we defined six different sub-categories:

  • Energy
  • Mobility & Transportation
  • Food & Agri
  • Climate Fintech & Reporting
  • Carbon solutions
  • Industry & Circular economy

1.2. Nomination Process

The initial list of 100 nominees has been created by Change.Inc and the organization of the Climate Tech Summit. Companies not initially nominated may apply to be added to the list. The organization will review each application based on relevance, visibility, reach, and potential or demonstrated impact.

1.3. Verification Process

The organization reserves the right to request additional information from companies to verify their eligibility. Failure to provide sufficient information may result in exclusion from the competition.

1.4. Decision Timeline

Companies that apply to be added to the list will be notified of the organization's decision within ten business days of their application submission.

1.5. No Feedback Provided

The organization will not provide feedback on decisions regarding the inclusion or exclusion of companies from the nomination list. All decisions are final.

2. Voting Rules

2.1. Voting Period

Voting will be open from August 23 to October 15. During this period, nominated companies may encourage their following (clients, fans & followers, employees, etc.) to vote for them.

2.2. Voting Integrity

Each individual is allowed one vote per email address. The organization reserves the right to implement additional measures to prevent voting fraud, including limiting votes by IP address.

2.3. Data Collection & Privacy

Voter information will be collected solely for the purpose of this competition. All data will be handled in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable data protection laws. Personal data will not be shared with third parties without explicit consent.

3. Jury and Selection Process

3.1. Jury Composition

The six category winners will be selected by a professional jury comprising industry experts and independent consultants. The jury members will be selected to ensure impartiality and a lack of any conflict of interest.

3.2. Selection Criteria

The jury will evaluate nominees based on their relevance, visibility, reach, innovation, and measurable environmental impact. Specific criteria for each category will be provided to the jury in advance.

3.3. Final Decision

The jury's decision is final. No correspondence or appeals regarding the decision will be entertained. Only the six winners will receive an explanation of why they were selected as the most impactful companies.

3.4. Public Voting Process

In addition to the six category winners selected by the professional jury, there will be one Public Voting winner. This winner will be determined based solely on the number of votes received from the public during the voting period, which runs from August 23 to October 15.

3.5. Eligibility for Public Voting

All companies that are part of the final list of nominees are eligible to compete for the Public Voting award. This includes both companies initially nominated by the organization and those added through the application process.

3.6. Announcement of the Public Voting Winner

The Public Voting winner will be announced alongside the category winners on October 22 during the Climate Tech Summit at the Posthoornkerk in Amsterdam and online via Change.Inc and other affiliated platforms.

3.7. Disqualification for Voting Manipulation

Any company found to be involved in manipulating the public voting process, including but not limited to vote rigging or using automated voting systems, will be immediately disqualified from the competition. The organization reserves the right to investigate any suspicious voting activity.

4. Announcement of Winners

4.1. Winner Announcement

The winners will be announced on October 22 during the Climate Tech Summit at the Posthoornkerk in Amsterdam and online via Change.Inc and other affiliated platforms.

4.2. Publication of Results

All companies that make it to the final list and the winners will be published (with photos of the award ceremony) on the platforms of CTS2024, MT/Sprout, Change.Inc, LinkedIn, and other social media channels.

4.3. Winner Obligations

Winners may be required to participate in post-event promotional activities, including interviews and social media appearances.

5. Technical and Dispute Resolution

5.1. Technical Platform

The voting process will be hosted on the Award Force platform. Climate Tech100 is not responsible for any technical errors that may occur during the voting process. Participants experiencing issues should contact technical support via the provided contact information.

5.2. Dispute Resolution

In case of any disputes regarding the competition, the organization’s decision will be final. The organization reserves the right to disqualify any company or individual found to be in breach of the terms and conditions.

6. Ethical Guidelines

6.1. Fair Play

Participants are expected to engage in the competition ethically and fairly. Any form of manipulation, vote rigging, or unethical behavior will result in immediate disqualification.

7. General Legal Considerations

7.1. Liability Disclaimer

The organization is not liable for any damages, direct or indirect, that may arise from participation in the competition, including but not limited to technical failures, fraud, or disputes over the results.

7.2. Modification Rights

The organization reserves the right to modify the rules, deadlines, or any other aspects of the competition at its discretion. Participants will be notified of any significant changes in a timely manner.

7.3. Compliance with Laws

The competition complies with all applicable local and international laws, including data protection regulations such as the GDPR.

7.4. Force Majeure

The organization is not responsible for any delays or cancellations caused by events beyond its control, including natural disasters, strikes, or technical issues, and reserves the right to modify or cancel the competition in such circumstances.

8. Miscellaneous

8.1. Governing Law

These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the Netherlands. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Netherlands.

By participating in the Benelux Climate Tech100, all participants agree to these terms and conditions. The organization reserves the right to amend these terms at any time.

Contact Information

Climate Tech Summit Benelux:

Websites: &